


  1. 结束explorer.exe进程然后再进入游戏。问题确实能解决,不过……难受不?
  2. 系统主题更换成Windows经典。比刚才那个不难受一点。但是说真的挺讨厌的……切换来切换去
  3. 有人写了一个工具,检测到游戏运行就把explorer.exe csrss.exe这类进程给suspend掉。比起结束进程要“温柔”一些,不过游戏过程中alt+tab切换出来,就知道有多难受了。
  4. 找了半天这个最靠谱:http://blog.macuyiko.com/2009/07/solving-color-problem-red-grass-purple.html


(9 - reliable) Thanks to this comment I found out that Windows 7 actually provides a compatibility hack build in to allow running old DirectDraw games in all their glorious colors. The HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DirectDraw\Compatibility\ registry entry (or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\DirectDraw\Compatibility\ for 64bit Windows) contains entries for some popular games, such as Age Of Empires and Starcraft.


Take a look at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DirectDraw\MostRecentApplication to find out the correct application ID and edit the registry entry manually accordingly.


Technical explanation

If you're interested in a little background on why this problem is happening, read on.
When I first encountered this problem, I already knew a little about DirectX, the GDI and the Windows API. Basically, back in the day, DirectX (which handles a lot of the graphics and multimedia workload in games and other program) included a component called Directdraw, used for rendering 2D graphics.
PCs back then weren't really powerful. Everything had to be as fast as possible, even color handling. So something which Directdraw did for you was maintaining a palette of 256 colors. Like a painter, programmers could fill this palette with 256 colors they would use: ten greens for grass, 6 blues for water, and so on. Some of these 256 colors are static (but then again, not always) and cannot be changed. If you're interested in the deep and dirty details: this page does a good job explaining it.
Now this is the thing: if you're a fullscreen game, you don't want other programs screwing up the system palette, changing your beautiful chosen colors to ugly greens and reds. And this is what's happening in Windows 7. If you read System Palette and Static Colors on MSDN, it states that "However, because changing the static colors can have an immediate and dramatic effect on all windows on the display, an application should not call SetSystemPaletteUse, unless it has a maximized window and the input focus." Alas, this is not enforced by Windows, and thus explorer.exe (which comes from Microsoft mind you) and other programs will happily call SetSystemPaletteUse and mess the poor fullscreen DirectDraw game up.
I googled a bit around to see if I could find any clues. This message at Stackoverflow describes the same problem. This message is actually posted by the maintainers of Worms: Armageddon. No-one provided an answer though. I opened up Visual Studio (which was still installed) to quickly throw something together in VB.NET to intercept the WM_SYSCOLORCHANGE, WM_PALETTECHANGED, WM_PALETTEISCHANGING and WM_QUERYNEWPALETTE messages and look at where they're coming from. Basically, three processes are fighting:

CHANGING from (0)  CHANGED from Age of Empires II Expansion (135458)  Device context: 16847861  Process: 4508: age2_x1  Got 256 palette size scr  [...]  CHANGED from GDI+ Window (917744)  Device context: 184626156  Process: 2452: explorer  Got 256 palette size scr  CHANGED from (65552)  Device context: 1744905863  Process: 540: csrss  Got 256 palette size scr  [...]


The game itself, explorer.exe, and csrss.exe.






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memo:那个ID其实是EXE的PE头里面的timestamp(from riatre)


